How we make our ice cream

All Roskilly's ice cream is made with our own milk

The milk is from our herd of gorgeous Jersey's who's milk we treasure so highly because of it's amazing richness, with lots of cream, protein and milk sugars, and it is entirely organic.

Over 20 years we have developed our very own particular method of making our flavours. Our goal is to use only the purest of ingredients and to get rid of all preservatives.

We make most of the ingredients that go into the ice cream here at the farm too, all the sticky, chewy, crunchy, nutty and saucy bits! (Even the water for the sorbet comes from the local spring!) By doing this we are able to avoid the use of flavourings almost entirely.

Freezing is our only preserve, and the flavour is just what it should be — the ingredients.

How we make ice cream
500ml Organic Ice Cream
120ml Organic Ice Cream
The Original Cornish Scoop